Monday, June 27, 2022

Hello World It's Me


I'm going to make some assumptions here. One is that everything has gone successfully with your publication. I assume you are sitting with a few hard copies in a box just waiting for someone to read. Also, I assume you are hoping for you and your book to become household names, or at least to be in a few households.
So now it's time for you to to introduce yourself to all those readers out there, looking for something new.
I'm now going to dash one of your own assumptions. That is the presumption that everyone you know, your friends and family are going to queue up at your door begging for copies of your book.
Sadly that isn't always the case. A few family and close friends will buy your book in the first few days of publication, and it feels pretty good. But after a short time you realize that in order to get this thing moving, you are going to have to get out of your comfort zone and slog it out in the trenches. (Excuse the cliche). By that, I mean do everything you can to get out there and make yourself known. 

I'm still a bit of a noob, but here are some of the suggestions I have picked up along the way.

Join writer's groups. There are lots out there (several on Facebook). Some are just online connections, and some have regular sessions to support each other and critique each others work. The more input you have the better.
Start your own website or create a blog. Make sure you post regularly.
Even if you aren't a fan of social media, bite the bullet and go on as many as possible. Push your book in your posts. It's not boasting, it's called promoting.
If you have an Amazon's Authors Page, use it, fill it up. Update it as much as possible.
If your area has book festivals, go. Pay the fee to set up a booth, and let people see you and your book in person.
Try to get interviewed. There's a UK internet radio station that will interview you. Contact chatandspin Very nice people.
Contact any talk radio or cable televisions in your area and ask to be interviewed. Send them a copy of your baby.
When I worked in talk radio I received dozens of author interview requests every year. Needless to say we didn't do them all, but if something looked interesting, we had the author in for an interview.

The possibilities are only limited by your imagination. Again, when you connect with other authors, they will suggest things you haven't thought of. It is a lot of work, but you didn't come this far to let your book be lost in the forest of books that are released every day. Your readers are out there. They just haven't found you yet. That's your job.

And one more thing:
Once you start posting you are going to find offers from everywhere from people who say they will promote your book for a fee. Some are good, some maybe not so. If you choose to go that route, just be sure to do your homework before you sign up. Hint: if there are four spelling errors in their first message, you might want to give them a pass.

And yet another thing:
Have fun with it, It's kind of fun.

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Let's Wrap This Baby Up


I don't want to see you get too cocky, but you can surely enjoy this moment. Your MS is complete. To be clear that means you've edited it until you are sick and tired of looking at the thing. 

You've found someone to format your work and get it ready to publish.

You've found a reputable publisher who will put your book out there.

For the eBooks, you'll likely go with Amazon, but there are others out there. Again, your formatter will help you with that.

Yup, it's a pretty good view from up here.

Before you submit for publication you will need an ISBN number. That's non negotiable. It's also easy. Just go into the government site and follow the instructions.


There is no fee for getting an ISBN number if you get it from the government site:

You'll need to pass the ISBN number on to your formatter. It'll give you that cool looking barcode which makes you know you are a legit author.

Once you get your copies of the book and the covers, and are pretty comfortable sending it off for publication, then you're ready for the big step. 

Most publishers have a simple process of guiding you through the submission. They will walk you through it. As each one is slightly different, I won't go into that. 

Make sure you order an author's copy first, so you can check out everything before you order more copies. Yes this is important, on my second book they somehow failed to put in the table of contents on the first run. Thankfully I caught it before I ordered more.

Now as I said, stand back and savour the view. You are about to dive into the ocean of promotions. 

Try, Do, Whatever

For those of you who have not yet joined one of the many on line writer's groups, via sites like facebook, linkedin, or private groups, ...