Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Practicing What I Preach


                    Practicing What I Preach

So now the book new book is published (time for the shameless push) and i'm into the promotions stage.

I finally have some time to get back to writing. I do have a storyline i thought up when i was in England. I began writing it a few weeks ago, but the plot had two distinct threads, and no matter how hard i tried i couldn't seem to get them to come together. As i do preach, this is nothing to panic about, the ideas will come when they are ready. You can't force it, blah blah.
So i put it on the shelf. Today though, i glanced at the cover of my book. There was my motivation cajoling me to get off my writer's butt, or onto it as it may be, and do something with what i believe could be a pretty good tale. 
And at that point i decided it was time to put my money where my mouth was. I just picked up where i left off and started writing. I had a goal in mind somewhere, but it wasn't really clear. However i did know that if i just started putting my ideas down on paper i would find direction. It might lead me to chucking out a lot of old ideas, and adding in new directions, but i do know i will start the fire burning again, and eventually i will have a story i look back on and smile.
I will let you know how it goes.

Practicing What I Preach

                           Practicing What I Preach So now the book new book is published (time for the shameless push) and i'm into the...