Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Practicing What I Preach


                    Practicing What I Preach

So now the book new book is published (time for the shameless push) and i'm into the promotions stage.

I finally have some time to get back to writing. I do have a storyline i thought up when i was in England. I began writing it a few weeks ago, but the plot had two distinct threads, and no matter how hard i tried i couldn't seem to get them to come together. As i do preach, this is nothing to panic about, the ideas will come when they are ready. You can't force it, blah blah.
So i put it on the shelf. Today though, i glanced at the cover of my book. There was my motivation cajoling me to get off my writer's butt, or onto it as it may be, and do something with what i believe could be a pretty good tale. 
And at that point i decided it was time to put my money where my mouth was. I just picked up where i left off and started writing. I had a goal in mind somewhere, but it wasn't really clear. However i did know that if i just started putting my ideas down on paper i would find direction. It might lead me to chucking out a lot of old ideas, and adding in new directions, but i do know i will start the fire burning again, and eventually i will have a story i look back on and smile.
I will let you know how it goes.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Finally the baby is delivered, the cat is out of the bag and other overused cliches.


It's taken months but finally my new book is up on Kindle. 

For those who haven't followed the blog before it's called "Just write already", and it's the result of a couple of years (Is it more?) of writing this blog designed to help encourage would be writers to take the leap of faith and step into the (usually)  rewarding world of writing. Throughout the course of the blog I have tried to dispel the usual objections and doubts people have about their ability, and creativity. Thus the title of the book, Just Write Already.

Yes I know it will not work out for everybody, but to use the old cliche (not a fan) if you don't try you will never know (there's another one.)

My hope is the those hiding in the shadows will come out and say "What the hell", and give it a go. Nothing ventured....well you know how it goes.

This isn't a commercial, but none the less i hope you will check it out. It's available at:

Once you get to the chapters about promoting your book, you'll know what the next step for me is.

As always, thanks for reading my blog, and as before, there will be more to come.


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Land Ho

                                                                     Land Ho

I believe I used the ship analogy to mark the progress of my new project, in the last post.

To refresh your memory that is where I take the posts from this blog and turn them into a book.

Why on Earth would i do that? Simple really. I had a lot of feedback from fellow writers and fellow not writers and they all stated that they thought these posts might provide help for people who are thinking of writing, but for myriad reasons have never put pen to paper, or fingertip to keyboard. 

People have their reasons, insecurity, fear of failure, even fear of success (more common than you think), no ideas, lack of time, no one to direct them, no knowledge of the process, lack of confidence. You get the idea. There are lots of reasons why people who seriously want to write, just end up never doing it.

The purpose of the blog and now the book is to help would be writers deal with these issues, and take the first step. And then to help the go through the next steps to completion. 

If they want to take it further, then I have walked them through my path to publication. 

All the way I keep making the disclaimer that i am not a writing professor or a best seller. However this will be my third book. I've had a lot of positive feedback and I have had a gas doing it all.

In this particular venture, I took all the posts, made each into a chapter, added a brief introduction and an illustration, just to make things more like the original blog.

I have taken several weeks to rework some of the posts, while leaving them as close to the original as possible. Also I have edited many times until I believe I am ready to send it off to my formatter. 

When that's done, she will send it back to me with suggestions. I will submit it again to her, and when we agree it is ready for prime time I will upload to Amazon-Kindle for the e-book, and then send it to another publisher to make hard copies.

Having done this before, the process is no longer daunting at all.

I also have had a lot of help with publicizing my last book from my writer's group, Indie Best Writer's out of L.A. and have learned a great deal about maximizing my brand on social media.

So as you can see, I have not docked yet, but i can see land straight ahead and I hope to set my feet on dry land shortly.

I thank you for your patience, and I do hope once this is available that it will do exactly what I hoped and that's to make the writing process a little big less scary, and in fact help would be writer's get out there and give it a go, and then find out how much fun the ride can be.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Still Here

                           Getting Things Ready For Prime Time

You have a perfect right to wonder where I have been. In fact I would be thrilled if a few people really did think about that. Thing is, I haven't been anywhere, Still at the same keyboard but busy, nay, inundated with other things. 

There are writer's meeting, promotions for Teaching in the Spirit, and The Quick and Quirky, and the new Nick Bannister Story, which is rapidly evolving into a Novella. 

Most time consuming is my decision to take this blog and turn it into a book. I mentioned it some time ago, but for those who didn't take notes, the idea is to use the posts from this blog and create a short book that can hopefully help would be writer's muster up the confidence to start putting their thoughts down on paper.

And then walking them through my own personal path to publication. I won't reawaken the ghosts of posts past, but over the course of my blog I described how I took ideas, turned them into stories, and then dressed up these stories until i was confident in sharing them.

I then described how they were reworked, re-edited and renovated for publication. Then there was the process of getting published, and the crucial steps of getting noticed, and publicizing my work.

Through it all I've reminded readers that this is only my take, and there are many other routes to the finish line. But they worked for me when I had no experience whatsoever. What I did have was access to some great people who were willing to share their own knowledge and wisdom. That is what I hope any would be readers will take from my posts and upcoming book.

The working title is "Writing and Other Short Stories" although it in not dyed in ink, yet. And just to mix it up, I will include a few of my newer as if yet, unpublished stories.

It's still very much in the works, but I hope it will be out there in the next couple of months, and I hope you will enjoy reading it.

Thanks for following along, it's great to have you aboard. I'll let you know when we are almost in the harbour. And yes, please enjoy the mixed metaphors and cliches.


Tuesday, January 9, 2024

In The End It All FIts


If you were paying attention, you would remember that I have mentioned I am going to turn this blog into a new book. If you weren't paying attention then this is all new, which is just fine as well.

There are dozens of books out there which give instructions and rules to help you become a better writer. They are largely written by language scholars who really do know what they are talking about. The problem with the ones I have read, is that by the end I'm really not sure what they are talking about and how it's going to help me. The fact that reading academia is not my strongest suit, doesn't help.

I'll be the first to admit, I am not one of those writing experts. I have one thing going for me though. I love to write. Well two things. I love to write and I've turned that passion into an avid pastime, if not a career. I've done this is by listening to and asking those who know, networking with other writers and writing groups, and of course that old favourite, trial and error.

So now I've convinced you that my project may have some merit, let me just go through the steps of this undertaking in the hope that it will help you with your goals.

A couple of years ago I started writing the blog you are currently reading. Simply put, I wrote the posts to both explain how I write and the procedures I used to finally get my books out there.

Then I had a brilliant idea. Why not make these posts into a kind of how to book? A guide for would be writers, to help encourage them to pursue their passion and then walk them through the processes I've used.

I will make not make promises or pretense. This is merely my way of doing things, with the help of some very helpful people. There are many roads you can take, this just happens to be the one I landed on. I am not a writing teacher, but then again many coaches have not gone to Uni for coaching courses. It's their experience and knowledge of the game that makes them competent in their career. 

This isn't a commercial, that will come later, but I do hope once this book is available, you will recommend it to those who aspire to be writers, but are unsure of themselves and have no idea in which direction to go. You see how i avoided using a preposition at the end of the sentence? That must be worth something.

The nice thing about making this blog into a book was that most of the content was already done. All the posts are in there. From there I needed to put them into a solid order, and give a brief intro for each. Following that, I needed to remove those cute little images I had put in. If you choose to put images in your work, you will need to do the same. Google images are not free domain. There are companies that specialize in that at minimal cost. One example is Deposit Photos. That way you have no worries about people claiming you are using their pictures without permission. 

Unless you are a publishing savant you are going to need a good formatter. This person will help take all the information you send, and turn it into something professional looking, something you will be proud to put your name on.

They will also take those photos you have selected and put them in the places you suggest.

One of the first suggestions was to let go of the cutesy colours and fonts, and size changes to make it look more professional. Something that looks a little less like "Diary Of A Wimpy Kid." This required a pretty massive refurbishing, although it wasn't overly difficult.

And that's where i am at now. As I have advised over and over, several edits are needed before you submit this masterpiece. That will include sending it to your formatter a few times and following their advice without question, until you are both satisfied this is what you had in mind.

Over the next few weeks I will do the last edits, submit it until it is right and then go through the publishing process, which is a piece of cake compared to the rest.

Hope this helps you get an idea of what getting your ready for prime time and published entails. It's not nearly as daunting as you think. Five words: one step at a time.

More bulletins as events warrant. 

Happy writing.


Sunday, December 17, 2023

Following The Trail


I had a story idea very recently. Just an idea. One simple line. Unlike most of my story ideas, it did not come replete with supporting details.
Of course I wrote it down. Well, to be honest, it did come with one more notion. That was to compose another tale involving my favourite Integrated Investigator Nick Bannister, and of course his two cohorts.
Now when a decision is made like this, to revive old friends you have more than a story line. You have your characters already assembled and ready for whatever action you send them. This is huge, because good characters are hard to find, and voila, you have them.
Now I've mentioned before, that my characters are living breathing people to me. And I know them well enough to realize that soon enough they will start to tell me where they want to go.
No I am not looney. Most people have favourite heroes on screen or in literature and fantasize about their next adventure. Why, because you are so close to them, it's only a small step to putting them to work.
Surely enough, a time and place came to me. It was London in the time of Her Majesty Queen Victoria. It was going to include my boys merging their twentieth century know how and gadgets with the late 1800's. So perhaps I was looking at my first attempt at Steampunk, a brand of fiction which does exactly that. 
Then I needed a premise. Well that was easy. They were transported back there. Remember when you have an idea, it's not necessary to explain it right away, just take it for what it is. You'll figure it out later.
Then I needed a reason they were whisked so far away. Obviously they were there to present some manner of disaster. 
At that time there were two reprehensible characters kicking around, one real by the name of Jack the Ripper. The other fictional, none other than that most sinister of evil geniuses, Professor James Moriarty, foil to Detective Sherlock Holmes. Either of them would fit the bill of maker of mayhem.
I would never presume as some have. However, to compose a new Sherlock Holmes yarn. But what about if his partner Doctor John H. Watson became part of the fun? 
This all fit together nicely. And i will say no more, because that would be a monumental spoiler of a story I plan to include in my next book.
The point here is that this meal did not come with a side dish of suggestions. It came one course at a time and from there, blossomed a ripping good yarn which I have enjoyed written immensely. If you are lucky, and alert, this may happen to you.
More details to follow.

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Don't Fight, Write


When I thought of the title for this entry, I have to admit I cringed a bit. It seems very cheesy and contrived, that, along with simplistic, corny, low brow and somewhat tawdry. Well  you get them point. And besides I have preached that message several time before in my posts. But one of the other things I have been a proponent of it coming straight to the point and not smothering a message with unnecessary verbiage.
Kind of like I just did I the last sentence.
In the near future I am going to take my posts and make a few basis renovations, and add some thoughts, change the illustrations and pass it off as my new book. 
Of course it will be fresh, but based on my own past observations.
The idea will be to make this a book for people that are unsure of their ability to write, or go through the process of getting their work published.
Now who am I to write such a book. I did not even take language in University. I took Poli Sci if you must know. That does qualify me to offer a course in bullshitting your way through exams, but not to teach writing.
Ah, but there's the difference. I am not even pretending to teach writing. I am instead hoping to guide potential writers through my own experiences in the hope it might get the fence sitters off the fence and behind their laptops, tablets, or even old school writing pads. 
My credentials then are simply, experience and I think a knack of putting a good yarn together. The satisfaction of finishing something, whether it be short story, novel, or non fiction and realizing it's really quite good, cannot be measured. 
If you fancy being a writer I don't want that to go unexperienced, and yes i do mean "un" and not "in"
Every idea you have is worth considering. When I have an idea, but no idea what to do with it, I write it on a sticky and put it in a plastic case with the title "BIG IDEAS". There are no small ideas in writing.
Once in awhile I fish around in there and find some hidden gold. A story I can run with.
When I have one of those "Eureka" ideas, as i mentioned in a previous post, I immediately write it down and then everything else that comes to me about it, and i just get started.
That way nothing is wasted.
These are all notions I have touched upon before. But they bare repeating just to emphasize the point. No matter where you end up with your writing, you won't accomplish anything unless you start.
Cliche maybe, but that doesn't make it not true.
So don't think of reasons for not writing, if you want to write, then just get started.
Now my title doesn't seem so lame after all, does it? 

Monday, October 16, 2023

No Offence Intended. No offence taken.


                                                       No Offence Intended


Di                PS I used the British spelling of the word offence. I hope nobody is offended.

     What is offencive? Here’s the dictionary definition.

“causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry

That’s fair enough. But then the question of what causes those feelings comes up. Personally, I’m not offended if someone curses. However, if a group of people are letting the expletives fly at the beach when I have family there. Then that’s a different matter.

Oh dear, then we have the question about what a curse word is. And there is intent. If someone drops a casserole on their foot and let’s the “f” word fly, is anyone going to take offense. If someone uses the word as every third word, that’s another matter.

What about subject matter. Someone once said you should never discuss religion or politics. And indeed there are people that are offended if you say anything that goes against their own beliefs. So then it comes down to the actual content of your book. If what your are saying integral to your story, then by all means say it. If you are just on a personal mission or vendetta to piss people off, then maybe you can leave it out. And even the word piss off was extremely offencive 40 years ago. Now you can hear it on the 11 0’clock news.

Then there’s sex. Yikes. Some more gentile folk bristle at the mere mention   of the word. Others wouldn’t bat an eye if a bus load of tourists disembarked and started fornication in their hotel lobby.

Being offended is very subjective. So when you are writing what do you avoid; or do you?

Simple answer for me is nothing. If you have something to say, say it. But there is a caveat. Well, several. If your book is deemed to have the potential to offend two-thirds of the people who read it, then perhaps you need a few tweaks. You also don’t want a reputation as an abusive, intolerant pratt. You want people to read your book not squirm in their seats because of your comments.

The fact is, there are people who are offended if the sun comes up. They take offense like it was their day job. To those folks, I can only say no one is forcing them to read the book, so why worry?

But on the other hand, I see no purpose in deliberately setting out to say hurtful things, or to be disrespectful to the average person. You can be critical without being completely nasty. You can call out someone without resorting to childish insults.

You might have a sex scene, a violent altercation in your story, but there is a point where is just becomes gratuitous, rather than descriptive.

I could go on about this with a dozen more examples but I think you get the point. Don’t let fear of offending someone stand in the way of what you need to say. On the other hand, don’t feel you have a mission to shock or outrage people. Leave that to the shock jocks.






Monday, September 4, 2023

Sharing The Good Word


After writing this blog for some time, I really had to ask myself what would be the next step. I mean I have been sharing my take on how to write and I think I have managed to cover most of the angles.
Now you have to remember I am not a language PHD. Aside from teaching grade school students, I never shared my own thoughts on writing until I published my first book and did some workshops that led to this blog..
Here's a hint by the way, I have used the same term twice in the above paragraph. That's a bit of no no. Can you find them?
Moving on. The purpose of writing this has been to give people who want to write, but don't really know how to start, some pointers that might help them fulfill their dream.
I've tried to write it in basic terms, and not to preach the virtues of perfect grammar, or promote any writing style. My message has always been, "Just write." 
The next logical course of action seemed obvious. Why not put my blog posts into a short book for the aspiring writer?
Writing instruction books are a dime a dozen so I wanted mine to be more, shall we say accessible.
It would have to be amusing, to the point, and more important, be something that anyone with the inclination could follow.
I do remember the language books we had to read in high school. Most were so dry it's a wonder they didn't spontaneously combust. I am sure there are those who were so turned off, that they were reluctant to even write their own name after being forced to read those books.
So while I may not be the most academically qualified to write a book about writing, I have a pretty good idea of what works for me, and I am sure it will work for others who are dying to try their hand at the craft.
I am sure I have mentioned in a couple of posts that being too wordy is a failing in many writers. I think I have made my own point here. But hey, I needed to fill the page.
So over the next few months, I am going to go through the old posts, do some tweaking and transform them into book material, whatever that is.
I am also going to incorporate new images. 
Here's a teachable moment. The images in my blog are just google stock photos. If you are going to publish, they must be free domain. So you need a site that specializes in that. You'll have to pay a bit, but their selections are awesome.
When it's all done I will let you know and you can do what your want. Although of course I would prefer you buy the book. Believe me I will let you know where it's available.
In the meantime I would love some feedback, any feedback on my idea. Not that's it's going to change my mind, but I do like input. Please don't be shy about making a comment.
Believe me getting people to make comments on blogs is like getting a mule to go up a ladder. See how I had to sneak a funny simile in there?
I'm excited about this new project, and I'll let you know how it's going on my future posts. 

Monday, August 7, 2023

It's Got To Be Interesting


What Makes a Page Turner?

Here's a huge secret about writing.
Are you ready?
Writing needs to be interesting to the reader.
And yes some things that are obvious still need to be said.
In fact I'll say it again.
Writing needs to be interesting.
Of course not everyone is interested in everything. I personally am not likely to pick up a book about the Russian Royal family prior to 1917.
But there are people who will.
Others may read a book about souffles.
 However, there is a big caveat. They will only keep reading if the writing is engaging. 
Or in the case of the souffle book, if guests are arriving and they have been promised a souffle.
I love rock music biographies. 
I have begun to read several but only finished a few. Why? Because the writer had nothing that grabbed me and brought me in. It was same old, same old and we've all had enough of that in our lives.
But the ones that pulled me in and kept me there had a few things going for them.
Now in case you are curious the autobiographies of Marianne Faithful, Keith Richards, and Brian Wilson I loved and I would read them again.
Why, because they were just so fascinating. Great stories of wonderful characters, humour, drama, irreverence. All the things you would expect from a music icon.
There are writer's who have studied the craft for years, who have impeccable use of words, and perfect syntax. But their books are a snore. 
Many other authors who have never studied writing have penned enthralling work by following a few simple guidelines.
Write something people will care about.
Pack it with interesting characters. 
Embellish if you need to. Sometimes the soup needs just a bit more spice than the recipe calls for.
Don't get tangled in a web of rhetoric.
Read it over and see if it grabs you.
If it bores you, then you haven't much hope of alluring readers who likely don't have the same passion you have for the subject.
If it's a story, use lots of interesting dialogue.
If it's non fiction, pepper it with captivating anecdotes.
Stay sharp and to the point.
Long winded passages and descriptions may stoke your ego as a writer, but they will likely turn people off.
You may not be the most experienced spinner of words. Perhaps you never even took one writer's course. 
But if you really have something to say, and you say it in a way that makes people care and keep turning the pages, then you will have a winner.
This may not be the kind of academic advice you might be used to so here's one more tip.
Read. See what makes a page turner, or a book closer.
Think of the books you loved. Why was that?
Put that into your own writing.
You know what makes a great read.
So whatever you write, remember that and use the examples you have on your bookshelf right now.


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

What? There are rules?

I did warn you this day would come. If you don't believe me, you can go back to my earliest posts and you will see I am not gaslighting. While I was encouraging you to just write and forget about rules and to thumb your nose at your red marker toting grade eight language teacher, I did tell you there was a caveat. One which cannot be ignored. Yes, there are rules for writing.

Now of course you can site me dozens of successful authors, even acclaimed ones who have flauted the conventions of writing and yet have ended up on the New York Times best sellers list.

Yet the vast majority of those who disregard the same rules, even if they get to publishing, have books languishing in the bargain boxes at dollar stores.

Why is that? It is in the quality of the writing. Someone like a Ray Bradbury who wrote in incomplete fragments, run on sentences which ran on for miles, byzantine descriptions, is still considered an international treasure.

An author who has real talent and inspiration is able to circumvent the usual linguistic canons because they know exactly how to disregard the traditions when they want to, and do it in such a way that people not only overlook their lawless behaviour, but also become totally bewitched by the story telling. Do you see what I did with the run-on sentence here?

Now I not going to turn this into a grammar lesson, but suffice it to say, there are literary conventions which should be regarded. Unless it is deliberately done, if you expect to have a successful writing career, it will not happen if you sound like you are a refugee from elementary school

So you're thinking, that's a fat lot of good, how do I know when I can bend the rules, and when I need to adhere more rigidly.

My answer to that is: read. Search out the successful and maybe more important acclaimed and popular authors. Examine their style. See where they stray from what Miss Spinster told you was the gospel truth in elementary school. But more important, is how they do it? Does it sound amateurish? Probably not. More likely it is seemless, so much so that if you weren't searching for the places where they meander from the accepted ordinances of the pen, you would never even notice.

They have mastered the art of straddling the line between good writing and amateurish drivel. That can make for some magical story telling. I will try to expand on this in the future.

Practicing What I Preach

                           Practicing What I Preach So now the book new book is published (time for the shameless push) and i'm into the...