Sunday, July 21, 2024

Finally the baby is delivered, the cat is out of the bag and other overused cliches.


It's taken months but finally my new book is up on Kindle. 

For those who haven't followed the blog before it's called "Just write already", and it's the result of a couple of years (Is it more?) of writing this blog designed to help encourage would be writers to take the leap of faith and step into the (usually)  rewarding world of writing. Throughout the course of the blog I have tried to dispel the usual objections and doubts people have about their ability, and creativity. Thus the title of the book, Just Write Already.

Yes I know it will not work out for everybody, but to use the old cliche (not a fan) if you don't try you will never know (there's another one.)

My hope is the those hiding in the shadows will come out and say "What the hell", and give it a go. Nothing ventured....well you know how it goes.

This isn't a commercial, but none the less i hope you will check it out. It's available at:

Once you get to the chapters about promoting your book, you'll know what the next step for me is.

As always, thanks for reading my blog, and as before, there will be more to come.


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