Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Now it Begins


I'm going to qualify this right off the bat.
There are many routes to getting your book on shelves or online.
They first of all involve completing a book that merits being published. By that I mean a polished, interesting or informative work that will be in demand. It doesn't have to be mainstream or particularly unique. Just something that there is an appetite for. 
It may be only one percent of the population that's interested in the history of archery. But if your offering is engaging, well written and easily accessible, you will still reach enough people to be successful.
How you get there may vary.
It may involve paying editors, formatters, a team of evaluators, researchers, experts.
If you have the resources or contacts, you may go through literary agents, various publishers and connections and eventually find your way in the public eye.
Nice for the few that can manage that.

It will more likely just be you tied to your computer, writing, rewriting, editing, re-editing, having friends give their input.
And then figuring out what to do with your manuscript.

Unless you are already a best selling author, you likely will do the latter.
Don't be discouraged. There are many self-publishing houses that are professional, honest, and helpful.
If you do your homework and network with those who have been there, you will be able to find one that takes you where you want to go.
Here are a few caveats. 
Aside from a basic publishing fee, which should be minimal, and of course the price of ordering hard copies, they should not be asking for any fees. If they are, run away, there are other fish in the sea. 
Once you are published and ready to start promoting, you are going to be deluged with people who offer to promote your book. 
My personal advice is to stay clear. You will pay more than you want, and not always be happy with the results.
They aren't all the same, but the ones I replied to very quickly showed they are not what I was looking for.
That being said, there are many routes to getting word out there. 
Join writer's groups. Many will network with each other's social media sites, promoting each others books.
Using the author's page on Amazon.
Using your publisher's promotions.
Blogging, vlogging.
Making your own YouTube videos.
Most cities have book festivals, such as Word on the Street in Toronto.
In short, if you look you will find it.
It won't cost an arm and a leg and you'll likely be happy with the results.
And yeah, it'll involve a lot of work, but then again you just finished an entire book so this is small potatoes.

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Try, Do, Whatever

For those of you who have not yet joined one of the many on line writer's groups, via sites like facebook, linkedin, or private groups, ...